The “Società Cooperativa Agricola AGRISANA” was established in 2015 in Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicily. It owns two olive mills, one of which also carrying out packaging activity.

At present, the cooperative mainly operates in the Agrigento area, but it also branches out to reach the municipalities of Sambuca di Sicilia, Caltabellotta, Menfi, Santa Margherita di Belice e Montevago, still part of the Agrigento province.

It boasts some 339 direct associated.

The cooperative is not just a mere association of olive oil farmers, but a true synergic force aiming to protect the Sicilian olive growing and to enhance the final product: extra virgin olive oil.

It is the farmers deep sense of duty to consolidate the cooperation among them.

A vital asset is offered by the professional skills developed by the “Società Cooperativa Agricola” technicians: dozens of agricultural experts and agronomists are at work to study and carefully follow each step of the olive cultivation. They take timely action to prevent any potentially harmful condition.

Much importance in given to landscape protection. In this regard AGRISANA is committed to share knowledge about biologic and integrated cultivation as well as olive protection techniques with its associates who still apply traditional cultivation. As a result, it is also possible to decrease olive growing’s impact on the environment.

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